Herbal foot soaks
The blend of pharmaceutical grade herbs act synergystically to improve blood circulation. This helps bring fresh blood to injured areas & increases oxygen & nutrients to improve the healing process.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Suggested Use:
WARNING: Use with caution around small children and animals. If feeling overheated and/or intensely sweating, discontinue your foot soak. Avoid doing foot soaks if you are hungry. Avoid doing foot soaks under a draft. Avoid if bleeding heavily during menstruation. Avoid using electronics while doing foot soaks; meditating, resting, reading, or socializing are recommended. If using teabags in a bath, do not recline and submerge your chest in water, stay in an upright seated position. Similar to a vigorous workout, foot soaks are stimulating if done longer than 20min, therefore if using at night soak for a shorter duration (>20min). Keep your feet warm after your foot soak.